It is the mission of the S.A.F.E. Team (student assistance) to identify, intervene with, make appropriate referrals for, and follow through with at risk youth in the areas of academics, attendance, health, behavior, and performance.

MECHANICS OF A S.A.F.E. Team Meeting

Review records of referred students.  This is done in consultation with the case manager.  Every student referral is recorded on a Student Log.  Any repeated behavior problems are updated on the log.  Brainstorm interventions based on the Huron Referral Flow Chart.  Case Manager notifies appropriate intervention agencies, contacts parents, and sets up student interview.  Review progress of students and consult with service providers.  Follow-up on progress of student with school staff members.  Plan and coordinate future meetings.  Plan strategies for formal and mini interventions. 


Check with the student's counselor.  Assign a case manager.  Gather the date, compile, analyze, and share data with the team.  Conduct a min-intervention with the student.  Meet with the parents and plan the intervention.  Meet with a Human Service Agency Representative.  conduct a team meeting to rehearse the actual intervention.  Hold the intervention.  Student/Family is assessed at a licensed D.A. facility.  Student is referred to a treatment program and team is informed of recommendations.  The team monitors the students' progress, and communicates with treatment provider.  Re-intervention, if appropriate.


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