S.T.R.I.P.E.S. is an advisor/advisee program established for the Huron Middle School, Huron, SD. 

The advivsor/advisee program is based on the middle school philosophy that every student needs a consistent adult advocate for which they have daily contact.

The middle school consists of block and exploratory teachers.  Each teacher will be responsible for approximately 20 students.  They will meet with these students daily for approximately 40 minutes.

Curriculum may be developed on an as-need basis.  In addition, the following sources will be utilized as a basis for the entire curriculum.     http://www.stanfield.com/conflict-1.html   Don't Be Hot...Don't Be Cold...Be Cool!  This is a program for middle school students that addresses conflict resolution, frustration, and rejection.     http://www.splcenter.org/teachingtolerance/                             This site offers valuable free resources for teaching tolerance and responding to hate at school.                  http://www.ethicsusa.com   This is a middle school curriculum entitled Character Lessons For Life.  It contains 52 weekly character development lessons.                     http://www.nmsa.org   This is the site for the National Middle School Association.  It contains several outstanding resources for this level, especially Treasure Chest which is an advisor/advisee curriculum.

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